Archive for March, 2011
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Mar 29 2011

Today I’m showing you guys another type of photo book I offer: the classic Flush Mount album. This album has really thick pages and the nicest thing about it is that it lays flat – so it’s a good choice if you want to have lots of spreads.

Those two smaller albums you see beside it are dust jacket cover albums (they are great as parents books!). They also have the thick pages and layflat style. It comes in a variety of sizes – that pocket book is sooo cute!

Of course these photo books are not only for weddings – they are also great to display family pictures. I’m always doing these books for myself – it’s great that nowadays we don’t need to print pictures anymore, but I’m that kind of person that really likes to feel the picture in my hands.

So it’s a matter of deciding if you prefer the flush mount albums or the magazine-style photo books. They both have their pros and cons – but I’m pretty sure you’ll be happy with whichever you choose!

Mar 22 2011

Okay, I need to say something: I just love my Flash website. Probably most people don’t even notice all the cute things happening there, but you can actually play around with the images that wander through my homepage: yeap, you can drag those mini photos, click on them to see a larger version, etc. It’s a cool and fun way to view my portfolio – if you’re not in a hurry! :) That rainbow in the back also changes colour… so much to look at while you’re in there – I never get tired of it!

The only bad thing about having a Flash website is that it doesn’t run on the iPhone. I had to create a totally different design for it. So if you’re visiting me through your Apple phone, you’re gonna be sent directly to my blog – but not the blog you see through your computer browser… If you have an iPhone, just check it out. I thought it was a really cute version of my blog! :)

posted in Personal
Mar 05 2011

Soami and Patrizia’s wedding photo book just arrived and it looks so amazing I want to keep it to myself! :)

They went for the magazine-style photo book – it’s a modern take on the classic wedding photo album. I call it magazine-style because there’s definitely the feel of a magazine, but the pages are thicker. This photo book can fit lots of pages, so it’s good option if you want to tell the whole story of your big day.

Patrizia picked the navy blue leather out of almost 20 types of colors and materials (yeap, you don’t need to choose leather if you don’t like it! There’s a variety of nice materials – like silk – to choose from) – I guess that’s her favorite color since her bridal party was also wearing navy blue!

A slipcase also comes with the book to protect it over the years. I’m posting some images here so you can have an idea of the products you can purchase besides the digital images. I also offer hardcover photo books and the classic flush mount album, but I’ll leave those for another post!

You can view my post from Patrizia and Soami’s wedding clicking here and their e-session right over here!

Wanna see even more pictures from their wedding?! Join my Facebook Fan Page!

posted in Products, Weddings

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