Archive for April, 2012
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Apr 16 2012

This is Heidi and Dan’s wedding. They are definitely one of the coolest couples I ever shot. First, look at the title they decided to put on the Eglinton Grand. For the first time EVER, I drove by that place and there wasn’t a cheesy thing written over there.

Then, when I get to Dan’s house, his computer (or iPod, whatever) is playing Britpop. I mean, who really listens to Some Might Say in 2012? I do! Their place was filled with things I like as well… and whoever gave them a book and quoted Michael Scott is also really cool. :P

I loved her bouquet – she decided to go for tulips… my favorite! It was really fun to shoot a couple that has so much in common with me (except for Justin Bieber – and no… I won’t be explaining that here). Let me share with you some of my favorite pictures – originally I intended to post over 60 images, but that’s just too many for a single blog post… so compromising pictures of the Biebs with some guests will be left out of this post. ;)

Apr 15 2012

Even though this past winter was pretty mild, it snowed on most of my photo shoots! Tara was really brave and decided to have some of the pictures outside anyways, but most of the day we just had to spend it inside – mostly because her portraits were happening before the ceremony so we had to keep her dress clean.

As I said before, every wedding is unique and what I loved about this one is that Stephen brought their dog to the ceremony! It was a surprise to Tara and you can definitely see that they were able to keep it a secret – just look at Tara’s reaction when she sees her dog. Isn’t it an “awww” moment? :)

They get bonus points for not playing I Gotta A Feeling from the Black Eyed Peas during the reception. I have nothing against it and I can definitely see why it’s played in every single wedding I’ve been to for the past couple of years. However it would be interesting if another song came out to replace that one! ;)

Apr 05 2012

As I promised, here it goes another post that has nothing to do with weddings/couples. Alexander’s baptism was a couple of months ago and I’m really happy with the results – the light coming in the church during the immersion was gorgeous and Alexander’s parents could not have picked a better location for the reception! That restaurant was just beautiful and the decoration was sooo cute!! They really put a lot of thought into every detail. The cake was one of the prettiest I’ve ever seen as well. The cake lady will definitely be doing my daughter’s birthday cake next year. ;)

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