Archive for December, 2012
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Dec 12 2012

Another year goes by… and what a year! I’ve never been so busy. Thanks everybody for allowing me to work with what I’m passionate about. I really love creating beautiful memories for you to keep.

Happy Holidays and I hope to see you next year! :)

Dec 09 2012

I can’t believe 2012 is almost over! Time is flying and I’m finally getting back to blogging some of the weddings I’ve been posting on my Facebook Page. Many, many hours spent in front of the computer editing all these pictures while listening to music (and sometimes splitting the screen with Photoshop on one side and Toopy and Binoo on the other side) – weddings, babies, families, head shots, engagement sessions… and I still love all this.

I thought things were supposed to slow down during this time of the year, as they always do, but I’ve never been so busy. Lots of family photo shoots – so thanks everybody for sharing your pictures and talking about me. :)

If you’re here often, you’ll remember these two from a Distillery District E-Session. Rachelle and Levente got married last August at a stunning farm in Marsville.

The forecast was for rain, but it was pretty sunny all day long. We had some really heavy clouds throughout the whole day, so one minute everything was gray and windy and then all of sudden we had the brightest sun on our faces! I’m not kidding – I never changed my ISO and shutter speed so much in a matter of minutes. Tough day to be shooting outside, but I made it and I’m extremely proud of the outcome. We’ve got some amazing images to share – my favorite one is definitely the last one, where Levente’s little nephew is pointing to the stars in the sky as the night falls.

Congrats, Rachelle and Levente! :)

Dec 08 2012

This photo shoot is to show you don’t need to wait till Spring/Summer to get your pictures taken – even if you are not a fan of the cold weather!

This past summer I shot baby Alice’s first birthday – Mari and Leo liked my work so much that they decided to book another photo shoot. They didn’t want pictures on a park or in the city, but in their bedroom! I loved the idea – different from everything else I’ve done and it truly feels cozy and intimate.

This first part I’m focusing on the couple and giving you some sneak peeks of the family shoot. Stay tuned for part II, where I’ll focus on their lovely girls – Helena and Alice.

And well, do I even need to say they are already planning another photo shoot? ;)

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