Archive for January, 2013
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Jan 25 2013

If I could define last November in one word, it’d be exhausting. It’s interesting because with the cold weather, things usually start to slow down, but it was just crazy. I had Dylan and Jaden’s portraits in one morning, then I was off to Toronto to shoot baby Amanda and, on the next day, I had Reinaldo and Giseli’s wedding that has yet to be posted on my blog (but you can check some of their images in my FB page). Oh, I forgot to mention that, on the same week, I did over 20 headshots for companies and real state agents. I’m denitely NOT complaining about the amount of work, but you have to agree that it was truly tiring, especially when you add a toddler running around the house and still waking up during the night!

But back to this photo shoot – I had a really great morning with these boys. Dylan and Jaden were just adorable – their parents are doing a wonderful job raising these two. After a super busy week, I was so lucky to get amazing kids to work with. Please enjoy their images. :)

Jan 09 2013

I used to write drafts about the weddings I wanted to post on my blog right after I finished editing all the images, but unfortunately that’s not true anymore. Working every weekend and having thousands of images to look through (and a two year old running around the house) doesn’t leave me time to do that anymore. I always limit the number of weddings I shoot per year, but maybe it’s time I limit my family photo sessions as well. =/

And the problem with taking so long to post about a past wedding is that I don’t remember much to write about. Lisa and Edward’s was definitely one of my favorites to shoot. It was really intimate and beautiful. They didn’t care about throwing a huge party/reception aftwards, which is rare nowadays. They just wanted to gather all the loved ones to celebrate this important day at church.

After the ceremony, we had a delicious lunch and drove to the Bluffer’s park for some portraits. It was pretty windy and cold, but they came out gorgeous!! We had a bit of sunshine for about 2 min and with that tiny amount of time I got my favorite wedding image from last year. You’ll see when you scroll down (it’s also on my portfolio). Love that place.

Congrats, Lisa and Edward! Wishing you all the best in your life. :)

Jan 03 2013

Hope everybody had an awesome holiday season! 2013 is here and I still have lots of photo shoots from 2012 that I want to post. This one is from last November – you might remember Claudia and Robinson if you come here often. Their maternity photo shoot was featured in here not too long ago.

Let me introduce their newest addition to the family: baby Amanda. Believe or not, she was only two weeks old – definitely one of the cutest newborns I’ve ever seen! Claudia and Robinson, congrats, may Amanda fill your hearts with joy! :)

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