First I gotta say I LOVED my old website. I loved my flying pictures and I bet I was the only one that knew you could drag and drop them – I could play with those for hours and I would for sure if I had the time. I also loved the way my Portfolio was displayed. The whole thing was built using Macromedia Flash, so if you tried to view my site using an iPhone/iPad, you would see a boring version of it (= my blog). We needed to do something about it. And this is it.
Hello and welcome to my brand new website. :)
It’s pretty simple but I like it. I love my new logo, my new colors, everything! It definitely reflects who I am today. I don’t miss my old site AT ALL. Thank you, hubby, for doing an amazing job. ♥
My business cards will remain the same, though. Have thousands of those still. HAHA.
Now talking about this photo shoot – this was a gift Camila gave to her dear husband for Father’s Day. I know! I should have blogged about it months ago. I wish I had posted their Maternity pics as well, but you can find a few of them on my Portfolio.
Since this is a Father’s Day post, I gotta say that today is actually my dad’s birthday. Happy B-Day, dad! I know you’re an avid reader of this blog – every time I have visits from Japan, it’s him for sure. lol Thank you for working 2 jobs most of your life to pay for food, school and buy me all the things I wanted. Yeah, I was a spoiled child.
E como estou postando um sessão de Dia dos Pais, preciso dizer que hoje é aniversário do meu pai. Feliz Aniversário, papai! Eu sei que você vem sempre aqui – toda vez que tenho visitas do Japão, tenho 99% de certeza que é você. Obrigada por trabalhar quase sua vida inteira em 2 empregos para pagar minha escola, comprar comida e todas as outras coisas que eu queria. Sim, eu fui uma criança mimada. ハッピー・バースディ!
This is one of my favorite maternity shoots ever. The light during that day was amazing and the location – the Botanical Gardens in Oakville – was just perfect. I had a great time with Camilla and her dear husband and son. Such a beautiful family – I’m pretty sure that by now little Tyler has arrived to brighten their days even more!
I love getting featured in websites, however, I always forget to post news about it here! Well, not that I really forget, but I’ve been a bit lazy when it comes to updating the blog. I’m not a big fan of writing, so Facebook is much easier for me, since I just really need to post the pictures. Over here, I feel the need of writing something, otherwise it looks kinda weird just having the pictures (and I believe you guys also enjoy reading about the photo shoot).
Anyways… while I still have those links, please visit both Sash and Satin and Toronto Mom Now to view a bit of my work. :)
As I promised, here it goes another post that has nothing to do with weddings/couples. Alexander’s baptism was a couple of months ago and I’m really happy with the results – the light coming in the church during the immersion was gorgeous and Alexander’s parents could not have picked a better location for the reception! That restaurant was just beautiful and the decoration was sooo cute!! They really put a lot of thought into every detail. The cake was one of the prettiest I’ve ever seen as well. The cake lady will definitely be doing my daughter’s birthday cake next year. ;)
Some months ago I posted Marina’s maternity photo session. And now I’m happy to introduce you to their baby girl, Melina. She was just 12 days old when we had the photo shoot. Melina is the cutest thing and Marina is already looking so beautiful, after just 12 days of giving birth!! She is definitely one of those women that get that “glow” everybody talks about.
Congratulations on the new bundle of joy! And don’t forget to join my Facebook fan page to get my latest updates. |
It’s 11 am of October 26th – I usually don’t write on the same day I post – and I’m editing some pictures from an e-session. The one I had to cancel because of the rain two weeks ago, remember? Looking amazing so far and I’ll try my best to post them as soon as I can (who am I kidding? I’ll probably just post the pictures next year… lol. Sorry guys, but my priority is actually editing the pictures and uploading them to their private online gallery).
On this post, I want to talk about a section of this blog that usually goes unnoticed: the FAQ. If you’re thinking about booking a photo shoot with me, that’s a great place that answers most of your questions. There you will find answers regarding turnarounds, editing, my style of work, etc. These things are actually discussed when we meet up or talk over e-mail/phone (and they are also on the agreement you’ll sign), but it’s always good to check that out beforehand. This helps especially brides, that are usually talking to tons of photographers.
I’m talking about this because, every now and then, after the online gallery is up and you can view how your pictures turned out, I get requests for body modifications – “Can you make me look thinner??”. One thing that I always talk in meetings is how I dislike when photographers make clients look like plastic dolls or soap opera stars. I like people looking like themselves. And if you’re hiring me as your photographer, it’s because you liked my work and trust my point of view. A picture does not need to have a hot model to look amazing. If you go through my portfolio, you’ll see all kinds of people – and if you loved them, you need to know that those people over there are exactly like you see in the picture. You know what I dislike the most? When the white of the eyes are so white that if that was actually true I would run like crazy if you knocked on my door looking like that! Of course, as a photographer, I will for sure photograph you using the best angles, the ones that are most flattering to you! If you want to show your wedding pictures and then have people talking behind your back about how you were photoshopped thin, then I’m definitely not your type of photographer.
Now let’s actually talk about the pictures on this post! :)
Last summer I had the opportunity to work with Laura and Thomas again. I took pictures of them when they were six months old – you’ve probably already seen them here in the blog! – and now they are all grown up. But this time, instead of mom and dad, grandma and grandpa joined for some shots as well. :)

©2010-2025 Yuki Noda Photography. All rights reserved. |