Archive for the ‘Families’ Category
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Jul 02 2010

And finally Matteo is here!
He was supposed to arrive in the beginning of June, but decided to stay till last week in his mommy belly. :)
I was amazed to find out that Matteo looks just like his father, Jairo.

Guys, thanks for letting me be part of this wonderful moment in your life! Here are some images of Matteo and his proud parents.

And for updates and more images, join our Facebook Page at .







Jun 18 2010

Father’s Day is just around the corner… :)



Tags: , , , ; posted in Babies, Families
Jun 16 2010

Last month, I went to Renata and Dory’s house to shoot little Olivia (you can check some of the pictures here).

I knew Renata was expecting another child – this time, a baby boy! I asked her if she wanted to do some maternity shots as well, but she was pretty shy about it.

When I got there, I just couldn’t help it and I decided to take some pictures of the whole family. I had a wonderful day with them. Renata, Dory & Olivia, thanks so much for your warm welcome. Congrats on your second baby! :)

I had so many pictures I wanted to post of Olivia’s photoshoot that I wasn’t able to upload to the blog the family images – that’s why I’m writing this second post about this beautiful family. Hope you like it!

May 10 2010

Yesterday I got to shoot the soon mommy and daddy-to-be Fabiola and Jairo.
It’s funny how they say that pregnant women have a different glow, and that’s actually true. Fabiola was just so pretty, it was really easy to get great shots.

Congrats, Fabiola, 5 more weeks for Matteo’s arrival! :)

Here are some of the photos; check our Facebook page for more pictures.

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May 08 2010

This week I got to take pictures of this cute little princess. Olivia is 3, although she claims to be 1 – already wanting to hide her age. :)

I just loved taking pictures of her; it’s a completely different experience!

Here are some of the photos. More pictures on my Facebook page – just click here!

posted in Families, Kids

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