Posts Tagged ‘Bryan & Pareesa’
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Jul 04 2012

Everyday I take Melody to a park close to my place. Yes, the joys of being a photographer: I can work at home and make my own schedule. Of course, life is not a bed of roses: while everybody is chilling on weekends, I’m out working. I can’t complain, I’m paid to do something I love. Time flies while I’m at it. But I think it’s pretty obvious that I do miss my little girl every minute I’m out. And although I get to spend my weekdays at home, I’m still in front of the computer looking at thousands of pictures.

Going back to that park I was talking about – one of these days I noticed a bunch of teenagers talking, laughing, close to where we were. And all of sudden it hit me: I am getting old. When did that happen?! When I had a job from 9-5 I used to be the youngest of everybody. Now I get to shoot Bar Mitzvahs, sweet 16s and I just feel O-L-D. I definitely have to replace my Junk Food t-shirts for some more serious wardrobe soon. It’s funny when I look at the mirror I still see that 18 year old girl, but I must have gotten old, I’m sure. I just don’t notice the wrinkles. I wonder if that happens to everybody.

Anyways… here we have Bryan and Pareesa (just love the sound of that name!). They look like they came out from a clothing catalog – so cute! They match, but it’s not that obvious match. It just looks good. I recently posted a winter shoot from the Brick Works, so you might feel a bit of deja vu seeing these images. ;)

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