Posts Tagged ‘Toronto Wedding’
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Feb 06 2016

YAY! I finally had some time to go through some photos and post a wedding over here!

This past September was so rainy! I actually can’t really remember a wedding I shot on September/2015 that it wasn’t under lots of rain. Luckily, rain always give us a little break to quickly go outside for some photos. :)

This is Amanda’s and Bernard’s wedding at the gorgeous Estates of Sunnybrook. It rained the entire day, so ceremony was held inside – not a problem because this venue has a very elegant room as plan B.

Congrats, Amanda and Bernard! Wishing you a lifetime of happiness. ♥

Oct 16 2014

If I had to describe Fiona’s + Bendy’s big day in one word, it would be emotional: from the very beginning of the day with the Chinese door games till the end of the night with the reception.

Their MCs for the night were superb – it was a fun filled reception with tons of games and you could clearly see how the guests were enjoying themselves. All speeches were in Chinese, but you didn’t really need to speak the language to tear up.

Let me share some of my favorites from this super sunny day at this GORGEOUS GORGEOUS venue. Congrats, Fiona and Bendy! You two are perfect together! Wishing you love and happiness, always! ❤

p.s.: You can check their amazing E-Session clicking here!

Aug 20 2012

When I think my clients couldn’t get any more romantic… this couple really topped it off!

Fabrice wrote Jennifer 12 – yes, TWELVE!! – love letters during the past year, one for each month. We had the chance to read one since they decided to share its content during their vows. I couldn’t stop crying – good thing my camera is always in front of my face, so nobody notices!

Then, during the speeches, we learn that Fabrice, as a kid, reenacted the whole Disney’s Aladdin movie – including songs! – to his sister since she couldn’t watch the actual movie. Isn’t that the cutest thing you’ve ever heard?? I’m a huge Disney fan (for a period of time I even was a cast member but had to gave up on that since I understand that I’m much better as a guest), so for me, that’s actually the cutest thing I’ve ever heard.

Now talking about the wedding – this was so much fun. Jennifer definitely chose an unique location for their portraits: The Art Shoppe! When she told me about her plan, I thought that was extremely creative but I was a bit worried about all the price tags and how we would deal with some of the furniture around the store. Turns out that the staff was beyond nice and helped us hiding price tags and even moving furniture around. I just love the pictures – The light of the store made the pictures came out so dramatic! While I was editing I was thinking, “man, this looks like a movie poster!”. Loved them! Can’t wait to publish my next blog post so I can move them to my portfolio!!

Jen looked STUNNING! Interesting that before their E-Session they talked to me about being worried about not being photogenic, but as you can see, they have nothing to worry about! Such a cute couple. Loved her dress, the hair, her place (yeah, that has nothing to do with the wedding, but it gave the pictures a nice background) everything! That girl has an incredible good taste. I also have to say that the entire bridal party was really into the wedding. I wish I could post all pictures here, got to capture some really nice images because of them. They were SO upbeat!

Congrats, Jen and Fabrice! Wishing you a lifetime of happiness. :)

p.s.: Their last names and the license plate from the Jeep were intentionally removed out of the images for this post.

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Jun 21 2012

I thought I would never ever replace the first image from my Wedding Portfolio… till today! Yeap, Lena and Mohamad made it. :)

I don’t know if anybody noticed, but most of my Portfolios start with an image of hands, feet, etc. It’s intentional – I think it’s kind of neutral and I actually love photographing details. I’ve been using the same picture for a couple of years now, but I think I finally found a good replacement. :)

So this is Lena and Mohamad’s wedding – it’s actually their reception since I did not shoot their ceremony that took place in the US! They got ready together, headed to Glendon College for some portraits and then it was all about dancing all night long!

One really romantic thing about the two of them: their moms were best friends from a long long time ago and they actually met when they were BABIES!! Isn’t that cute?! They became friends during their teens, fell in love and the rest is history. That is so sweet, just loved that story.

Like what you see? So don’t forget to join my Facebook Fan Page to get all my latest updates!
Jun 08 2012

This is usually what happens when I meet couples interested in booking me for their wedding day: I bring my iPad and my albums (which are really beautiful and I always recommend people getting them – because 1st: it’s a totally different feeling seeing the pictures printed in a nice album; 2nd: you don’t want to invite your friends over to your computer to see your wedding pictures!; 3rd: the albums are gorgeous). I also explain what they should expect of me on their wedding day and then I let the clients talk about what they’re already planning and ask a lot of questions. Most of the times the bride-to-be is the one who does all the talking and her fiance just listens and agrees with everything. So I never really get to know the groom, because they are like that during the engagement shoot and wedding day as well.

That was ALMOST the case with Maria and Dimitri. On our first meeting, Maria did all the talking and Dimitri was really quiet. So I must say I was quite impressed during our E-Session. He was so nice, always listening carefully to my directions so we could make amazing images for them to keep. Also, he never complained about being tired of taking pictures (guys usually do that)! The photos came out so nice I wish I could post them all here! Although it was really hard to make her laugh, there’s something about her eyes that say so much! At that moment I just knew her wedding pictures would turned out great and here are some for you to see. A LOT of emotion going on!

Talking about the actual wedding, they had the cutest bridal party EVER!! You’ll see what I’m talking about when you get to scroll down the page.

These two are a perfect match! I truly wish them a lifetime of happiness – Maria and Dimitri are both wonderful people. I was impressed with how they got along so well with their little nieces and nephews… they need to become parents soon! :)

Apr 16 2012

This is Heidi and Dan’s wedding. They are definitely one of the coolest couples I ever shot. First, look at the title they decided to put on the Eglinton Grand. For the first time EVER, I drove by that place and there wasn’t a cheesy thing written over there.

Then, when I get to Dan’s house, his computer (or iPod, whatever) is playing Britpop. I mean, who really listens to Some Might Say in 2012? I do! Their place was filled with things I like as well… and whoever gave them a book and quoted Michael Scott is also really cool. :P

I loved her bouquet – she decided to go for tulips… my favorite! It was really fun to shoot a couple that has so much in common with me (except for Justin Bieber – and no… I won’t be explaining that here). Let me share with you some of my favorite pictures – originally I intended to post over 60 images, but that’s just too many for a single blog post… so compromising pictures of the Biebs with some guests will be left out of this post. ;)

Feb 02 2012

Having a baby definitely changed me a whole lot. It made me appreciate more my parents, it made me regret the lack of attention I gave to my grandparents (that unfortunately are not here anymore), it made me more concerned about the problems of the world we live in. And it definitely changed the way I edit my pictures.

I remember using A LOT of vintage effects to all my pictures. But after I gave birth to Melody and started taking pictures of her, I wanted to see them as they really were. I still love black & white (and that’s not really vintage for me), but I just don’t wanna see a picture of her that looks like it was taken in the 50’s. Do I still apply those effects to my clients pictures? Yes – because sometimes that effect really works to some images, but I’m doing it way less.

I’m pretty sure many of you that read my blog noticed that change. My brother-in-law actually was one of the first that noticed. I remember posting an E-Session on my Facebook Fan Page last year, a couple of months after I had my baby, and he said, “Did you change your style?”, and I just said, “No, of course not!”… but he was right. I just didn’t realize at that time.

I just hope my clients from my vintage days still like my work so I can take their pictures when they have babies! :)

So this is Mruna and Kamal’s wedding. I’m so lucky to be able to capture weddings from many cultures and I must say I really enjoy Indian weddings – they are so colorful!! Their reception was full of entertainment – they had professional singers, dancers… speeches were very emotional too – that day I could see how Mruna and Kamal are wonderful people.

Congrats, Mruna and Kamal! And don’t forget to check my latest updates at .
Jan 22 2012

As a teenager one of my favorite TV shows was Felicity. I used to love the idea of exchanging cassette tapes instead of letters. JJ Abrams writes some pretty good tv series, it’s such a pity that they all jump the shark as the series get closer to the end. Till today I still know by heart some of Felicity’s lines and there’s one that fits what I’m feeling right now – “Sometimes bad things just happen. No reason, no purpose. They just occur and we’re left to pick up the pieces the best we can.” Before you guys think something awful happened to me, don’t worry, I’m okay! It’s just that this week has been pretty stressful. But I guess that’s just the way it is. Sometimes I do forget I’m a grown up. All in all, I should really be thankful: I get to work with what I love (it doesn’t even feel like work!), I get to spend my days with (literally) the happiest baby on the block, and I have a husband that supports me in every single decision I make. So I don’t think life can get any better!

Anyways, enough about me. This is Ray and Jennifer. As you might notice, we had this photo session a while ago, since Jennifer would obviously not be able to wear that dress during winter! It was already pretty cold when we shot this, but the images turned out amazing. These are actually their pre-wedding images and they are getting married this February.

January has been a quiet month for me, but my weekends next month are all booked! It was good to take some time off but I can’t wait to start shooting again!

p.s.: I don’t know if anybody noticed, but I removed that tree from my website background. Finally got tired of it! If you’re still seeing it, it might be still in your cache memory; try refreshing the page. If it’s still there after doing that, don’t worry, what really matters are the pictures. :)

Don’t forget to join my Facebook Fan Page to get my latest updates!
Jan 03 2012

Why not start 2012 with one of my favorite weddings of last year? This is Michael and Ashley’s wedding – I’ve been meaning to post this for a while and now it’s finally here! The wedding was last August so I haven’t seen these pictures for a long long time… and now that I had to browse through them to pick some to post here, I love them even more. Some of those pictures are even printed and framed in my home office. :) I hope they liked them as much as I did!

Congrats, Michael and Ashley! And don’t forget to check my latest updates at .
Sep 06 2011

Things are quite busy over here – I just moved to a new house so there’s lots to do. First thing we actually unpacked was the computer so I could get back to working on pictures!

I’ve always lived in tiny apartaments in the city so I thought I could never get used to living in the suburbs, but I’m loving it. It’s so peaceful and quiet!

Anyways, Alfred contacted me last month so he and his wife could have wedding pictures done. Yeap, they were already married, but never had the chance to do their portraits. Just loved their images, let me share some of them with you! (and go back to work)


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